Sunday, November 16, 2008

Wouldn't you know....

Just when we were getting into a good routine and looking forward to traveling to see friends and family in Knoxville.......we all got SICK! It started with Kevin's dad, who passed his cold on to Laura, so we were in the doctor's office twice with her last week.....then Lindy started with a fever of 102 last Sunday morning, more doctor visits and medicine for her.....and then finally, the typical "another one bites the dust" I managed to get it, too. My doctor listened to me Monday and told me my lungs sounded crusty. Not sure how that sounds, but not so good. I think of Jack Nicholson as crusty, you know? Anyway, here we are a week later and we are starting to feel better. The girls are almost completely well now. I'm not quite there but definitely on the mend. We spent most of all last week with Kevin's parents because he was out of town and then I was so sick I just couldn't have taken care of the girls properly without help. I've got some new-ish pictures to post but just don't feel like doing it right now. Kevin has the girls at church and I'm supposed to be asleep. If everyone is well, Lord willing, we'll travel to Knoxville this Thursday to do Lindy's six month pictures. How can she be six months old already???? I'll have to get a video of her new skill: rolling. She rolls everywhere! Our lives have officially changed forever now. The baby is mobile! I write this hoping that you are all keeping well and are not sick like we have been lately.....Happy Sunday!


April said...

Hello Stranger! I'm so sorry to hear you've all been sick. It really is hard to be sick and still have to function, isn't it?!

I'll look forward to seeing those pictures when you get them uploaded.

Hope the photo session on Thursday goes well...and I'll look forward to seeing pics from that, too! :)