Sunday, April 13, 2008

Family Portraits and Trip to Memphis and Children's Museum

We had our family portraits and Laura's four year portraits done yesterday (April 12) and we were so pleased with them! I can't believe how much our little toddler has grown and matured in just the last year!

Laura is studying the instruments as co-pilot.

Old friends are the best!

Kevin had business in Memphis this week, so Laura and I took a much needed break from Nashville and went to visit dear friends in Memphis while he was working. We had a wonderful time! It is such a blessing to have friends with whom it doesn't matter how long it has been since we saw each other, we just pick up like we never even left off. Charlotte and Doyle Bradsher are that way. Charlotte was one of my Matrons of Honor in our wedding and I cherish her friendship. She and I took Laura to the Children's Museum of Memphis on Thursday. We had a great time there! They have a stage and dress-up area for the children to change clothes and imagine all they want to. That was far and away Laura's favorite place in the museum. She also loved the FedEx 727 body and cockpit. I'm so thankful not to be a pilot! I've never sat in a real pilot's seat before, so I had no idea how many dials and buttons and bells and whistles there are in there! We three girls had a fun day doing that on Thursday and then Friday we did a little bit of shopping and I packed to go home with Kevin. That is my 32 weeks pregnant belly in front of the beautiful azaleas in Charlotte and Doyle's yard.


April said...

Ok, I just love that first picture of Laura! Too cute. I am glad you guys had fun in Memphis and got to visit with the Bradsher's! We look forward to seeing you when you head to Knoxville later this month.

Cindy said...

Great pictures! Glad you posted so many!

April said...

I'm tagging you to list 7 Random Things About Yourself. Have Fun!