Friday, October 10, 2008

Lindy at five months

Here is our big girl on her five month "birthday". She has grown so much! I think she weighs about 13 pounds now. She loves to smile and laugh and is happy almost all the time. Her favorite things right now are Mommy, Daddy, and Laura and any thing she can put in her mouth. She is a drooler so we have her in bibs constantly! As she grows I think she is looking more and more like me, which is really fun.
We tried her on some rice cereal the other night. She actually really enjoyed it and wanted me to put the spoon in her mouth as fast as I could get it to her. I think she actually swallowed some cereal. Most of it dripped on the tray and on her bib.
I tried to upload the video we took of this but it didn't work. It was much cuter than these pictures. Laura was at Grandma's house when we tried this cereal adventure. I haven't done it again yet. Maybe we'll do it today.


Granddolls' MiMi said...

yes, she does look more and more familiar!! She's beautiful - just like her big sister and her mommy!! luvu

Cindy said...

Wow! I can see how she looks like all three of you. That's so cool. She's a doll, Kara!

Sorry I missed your call last week...I was at work...and then we left town to got to Zoe...and then I completely forgot by then! So hopefully, we can try again soon. :)