Sunday, September 14, 2008

Ike update

Update posted Monday night at 10:00 mother emailed to say that they were back online and have power after only 70 hours without it. Really that is pretty good! All are well and only my uncle's home sustained minor damage in the form of a broken storm window. What a blessing it is to know they are safe. Thanks to all who checked in about them!

I just wanted to take a minute to give an update on my family and friends in Texas. As you can see from this image, Hurricane Ike was as big as the state of Texas. Thankfully it wasn't as devastating as they thought it might be, but it still created quite a mess in my home town of Houston. My family lives in the northern suburb of Houston, about 75 miles inland, so they had mostly high winds and lots and lots of rain. They lost their power at around 10 Friday night, and as of Sunday night are still without it. We are grateful that all is okay as far as our family is concerned. We are praying for those who are still in harm's way.

My friend Cindy asked on her blog recently what our pet peeves are and I'll tell you one of mine. People who stubbornly refuse to follow warnings and mandatory evacuation orders when staring a storm the size of Texas in the face. They are not only really, really stupid for doing that to themselves, but for putting others in harm's way.

That's my story and I'm sticking to it! We're just grateful the storm is gone now.


April said...

I'm glad everyone is okay. I love the pic of Laura with "her friends." Yes, grandparents are a treasure. We miss having family nearby these days. It definitely makes life more difficult! Looking forward to seeing more pics from your travels as of late. :)